As a practitioner, your role is crucial when it comes to talking about leadership development. Your support is not too much to help them develop the behavioral agility needed to adapt to the challenges of an ever-changing world.
The SuccessFinder Leadership Excellence Framework, based on natural leadership preferences and the analogy of the tree, offers a powerful framework to guide this development. Here’s how HR practitioners can use this model to support their leaders:
1. Identify natural preferences and leadership orientations
- Administer the SuccessFinder assessment to get a comprehensive analysis of each leader’s natural leadership preferences. The assessment provides detailed information on our 26 competencies that can support the 5 leadership orientations (Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading Execution, Leading Change, Leading Growth).
- Schedule an initial wave of one-on-one coaching interviews with each leader to discuss their SuccessFinder assessment results and development aspirations.
- Host group workshops for leaders to share their natural leadership preferences, the orientations in which they feel most effective, and what they would like to target in the future. These workshops may include interactive exercises and group discussions.
2. Determine contextual factors and specific needs
- Schedule a second wave of one-on-one interviews to discuss with leaders the characteristics of their jobs, organizational goals, and the needs of their team. Help them determine if there are orientations that are more relevant to their realities.
- Present leaders with case studies of real-life situations they may face and ask them to think about how they would adapt their leadership style to the context.
- Ask them to identify potential situations where they may need to adapt their leadership style to be more effective. Are there any anticipated challenges? How could they overcome them?
3. Encourage motivation and commitment
- Help leaders set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) goals for their development.
- Help leaders understand the importance of behavioral agility to their success and that of their team by recognizing and celebrating the progress made throughout their development journey.
- Create a supportive environment by encouraging leaders to share their challenges and ask for help.
4. Facilitate the development of behavioral agility
- Provide relevant training on the leadership competencies that are essential for targeted orientations. Training covering the five orientations could then be offered.
- Offer regular follow-up with a coach to leaders to help them develop the competencies and behaviors needed to adapt to different situations.
- Set up a mentorship program so that leaders who are experienced in orientations relevant to leaders can share their knowledge and experience with less experienced leaders.
5. Provide ongoing support
- Follow up regularly with leaders to help them stay motivated and overcome obstacles.
- Conduct follow-up assessments to measure the impact of developing behavioral agility on leader performance.
- Create a community of practice for leaders to share experiences, best practices, and support each other.
By fostering behavioral agility, HR practitioners can play a crucial role in developing the agile, high-performing leaders organizations need to succeed in today’s world.
Achieve Leadership Excellence! Transform your organization with our proven Excellence Framework.